Steve Everest Watercolours

Steve Everest Watercolours image

Steve has been producing watercolours of his favourite subjects, such as, architectural detail, reflections in water and the images collected from travels in France, Italy and Egypt, for about seven years. He is based in Tonbridge and produces prints of most of his work. He exhibits work regularly, often working under the watchful eyes of the general public on his latest project.

I have been producing sketches and watercolours all my life, but its only since taking early retirement in May 2018 that I have been able to devote more time to my little hobby. I have a distinctive style that I have built up to capture the effects of light and shade on brick and stone and my love of travel to collect subjects that will lend themselves to this particular skill. This has led me to France….notably Provence and the Loire Valley, Italy and Egypt on many trips to pursue my love of all things Egyptian, of which I have made a lifetime’s study.

When to find Steve Everest Watercolours at Edenbridge Thursday Market: